IKEA is one of my favorite places to visit.  The showrooms are outstanding!  They are setup to make you believe you have that much style and grace, and can become a pro designer.  Separated by glorious kitchens, magical bedrooms, and comfortable living rooms; your fantasy home comes alive in IKEA as you can make your living space your own. For first time home buyers and small space apartment onlookers IKEA is a dream come true.  They have mastered the comfortable places look.

Comfortable places make us feel like we are in a place of peace.  We can be ourselves and no one can judge us.  

They are perfect places to hide and get away from reality.  The room pictured above would be perfect for a couple of home-bodies!

The problem with comfortable spaces with Christians is that we never want to leave.  We get stuck in a comfortable place.  Sound familiar?  Perhaps your finally caught up on the bills, making a decent salary and you stop pushing for that promotion.  Or you get to a place spiritually where you know the word, your serving, praying, worshiping God, but you stop stretching.  Perhaps you know God is telling it’s time to grow up, but you are comfortable sitting on the couch.  You don’t want to move because you are in a familiar place and you fear the unknown.  

God, if you can understand and grasps this, does not like comfortable spaces.  He doesn’t like boxes.  He is a magnificent God!  So why would he want his people to do the bare minimum.  When God does a thing or performs…he establishes it.  He makes it known to ALL!  He does it exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think!  This is what a spirit of excellence looks like!  

David grew in stature!  From sheep herder to King!  He allowed God to groom him!  And in the time of promotion God judged and Saul was sat down!  God will do the same for you too…if you come our of your comfortable space….

To be continued…..