Hey bloggers and readers I have a question for you!  Who are you allowing to dump their trash into your space?  It’s a hard question I’m sure, since you have to start looking at the people you love.  

Who are you allowing to dump negativity in your life?  Is it a spouse?  A boyfriend/girlfriend or BFF?  One more question, are you the dump truck?  

Some people are so used to complaining that they don’t know how to have a normal conversation.  Is the first thing you do when you call a friend/spouse/significant other is start unloading your problems? I was guilty at one point in my life.  People who are dump trucks dump their problems into your life on a regular basis.  Sometimes daily.  If you are the “dumper” let me tell you something that no one else has…you wear out people.  

The reason why is people often have their own problems and if your flooding their text msgs and phone with issues you overwhelm them.  Now the person is focused on your issue plus theirs!  If you are on the receiving end learn how to filter information.  Sometimes people need someone to pour into for a season!  Notice I said a season!  People who constantly find a familiar place to dump will continue unless you stop them.  

Dumpers need to learn to go to God.  It’s a perfect time to go to God in prayer and tell him the issue.  It trains you to go to the Father that makes all the possible.  Your friends family spouse can’t always help in certain situations or feelings.  Some things need to go to God.  Talking to God can be awesome experience when he responds to you.  Here is another short and sweet blog!  Have a blessed day!









This will be a quick an easy blog folks!  Just wanted to share some quick and easy ways to dicipher if you are struggling with lust or love for a potential mate.

Consider this:  You should always see your mate or interest as God sees them.  They are not an object for your affection, but a person.

Here are a couple of examples of what this may look like
How a woman of God thinks:

  1. His worship is authentic.
  2. Wow he can pray!
  3. He is sooooo nice!
  4. His personality is awesome!
  5. He loves the Lord.

How a woman with lust thinks:

  1. His eyes are gorgeous!
  2. He got them kissin lips.
  3. Look at his arms!
  4. He must workout
  5. I can imagine what he workin wit’.

Poor guy, ladies you already sizing him up!

How a man of God thinks:

  1. She must love the Lord.
  2. She has a great spirit.
  3. She is so wise.
  4. She is so sweet.
  5. She is so giving.

How a man with lust thinks:

  1. She fine!
  2. I can think of 10 things I wanna do with her!
  3. Look at her booty/boobs!
  4. She so sexy!
  5. She can have my baby!

Sorry fellas…A woman of God that knows who she is won’t care that you like these things about her. 




King James Bible
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  2 Corinthians 5:17

I don’t mean to brag, but I am the queen of moving on!  I can’t stand holding on to old junk.  To me if it’s broke don’t fix it!  Literally!  Just throw it away. Id rather have something that is fully functional than slightly dysfunctional.  E.g. slightly working flat irons, old clothes, old worn out shoes, even things I just don’t use anymore.  This is why yard sales do so awesome! You can make a decent amount of money getting rid of things you don’t need or use anymore. When it came to my personal vehicle, I was ready to toss it too.  As soon as a sensor went out I was done, because i didn’t have the patience nor the funds to deal with it at time. I was looking for perfection in a man made product.

On the other hand, there is something extraordinary about something that was once broken, torn, used and it’s restored.  Just ask the genius that invented rustic furniture.  At some point the scratched piece of furniture lost its visual appeal, but has been reformed and looks brand new. The good news is we can be the same way.  I am sure you have heard this before in your walk with God.  But what happens when you reach that place where you feel stagnant.  That you can’t grow anymore.  You’re praying for 30 minutes, you read your bible all the way through, you go to Sunday service: now what?  It’s time to stretch! You’ve prayed for 30 minutes for quite a while, try an hour!  You’ve read your bible all the way through, now try word studies!  You’ve been faithful to Sunday service, now join a ministry and serve in the church!

Being stagnant can only come from two ways….you’re not moving or you’re being blocked!

Higher levels require a lighter load!

Some things you just have to be willing to let go of!


This one may be the hardest.  Especially if they are life long friends.  But consider this.  If you friend wants to move to California for their purpose and you want to move to Florida to fulfill your purpose.  Guess what?  You are already separated because your purposes are different.  It doesn’t mean that you both want cross paths later in life.  It just means for the time being you can’t help one another.


Get rid of your old dirty thoughts!  Lighten that load!  Stop thinking and reminiscing about old boyfriends/girlfriends, old experiences, the “I remember when I used to”.  You don’t live there anymore.  Imagine standing on the cuff of the promise land and your still reminiscing about Egypt!  Stop it!

Separation is key to preparation.  God is trying to do a new thing and honestly your in his way!  Sometimes we spend so much time trying to repair broken things from our past we can’t embrace the new things.  The former man is gone.  That life is gone!  Disco is dead!  Move and prepare for greater!  See you at the promised land! 🙂